The Value of Employee Education and How You Can Encourage It

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Education is a powerful resource. Employees can increase the number of jobs they qualify for with formal training. Earning certificates, diplomas, and degrees can also lead to salary increases and promotional opportunities.

Companies promoting employee training can attract more job applicants. Supporting employee training programs increases employee retention, saving companies money on hiring costs. Having educated employees can also boost your company’s image and improve operations. Offering academic assistance can also ensure current employees qualify for advancement opportunities, enabling you to promote from within and strengthen employee morale. Since there are multiple benefits business owners enjoy when they help employees continue their studies, let’s look at some ways you can encourage employees to continue their education.

Training Programs


Employee training programs can include in-house training customized to your industry’s needs. Hire training and development specialists who’ll work with your human resources (HR) department to identify the essential skills and knowledge needed to perform various tasks or qualify for advancement. Your training and development specialists can create a training program for new hires in addition to a training program for aspiring managers or other advanced positions within your company.

The training program can incorporate training videos. Working with an app designed by a multimedia content creation team ensures you’ll create compelling instructional videos that engage employees and convey essential information to learners viewing the videos. Use the app to identify the best way to achieve your training goals and provide the training video options you can consider, such as screencasts, animated videos, classroom-style videos, webinars, and combination videos. The software tutorial covers essential information, such as creating an interactive video and using the custom video editing software. The app makes it possible to produce videos affordably, making this a great option for businesses that opt to provide in-house training.

College Counseling


There are over 3,900 postsecondary institutions in the United States offering degree programs. Some people may feel overwhelmed by the number of postsecondary programs and schools to choose from, making it difficult for them to develop an academic plan.

A college admissions counselor can help individuals determine which program suits their career goals and academic interests. College admissions counselors can also guide your employees through every step of the application process. An application review provides your employees with constructive feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of their current application. Their admissions counselors can identify ways to help them improve their application to qualify for admission to their dream school. You don’t have to worry about transporting employees to college admissions assistance locations. Your employees can meet with admissions counselors via video or phone chat from their home or a training room at your workplace.

Tuition Assistance


Perhaps you want to encourage employees to earn a certificate, diploma, or degree. Offering tuition assistance is a great way to support employees wanting to continue their education. You may offer tuition funds for a few courses per employee per semester. You may also opt to provide funds for books and other required materials.

Some employers pay employees to earn certifications required for different roles or advancement opportunities. Paying for the hours employees spend in classes and their transportation costs is a great way to encourage employees to pursue training opportunities.

On-Site Resources


Providing space at your business for employees to study ensures they have the time and ability to work on assignments and review course materials. Perhaps you have periods of downtime when employees must be available but may not be busy. Allow employees to study during these times, enabling them to achieve their academic goals while working.

Develop a recognition system to honor your employees’ accomplishments. Consider announcing which employees passed courses in your newsletter or giving employees gift cards.

Encouraging employees to continue their education is an effective way to attract job applicants. There are several ways to encourage employee education, such as creating training programs and offering tuition assistance.

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