The Ins and Outs of TV Commercials

a man and woman sitting next to a dog

Advertising can make or break a business. Effective ad campaigns can reach millions, enticing consumers to spend money on the promoted products. At best, ineffective campaigns fail to increase sales. At worst, bad advertisements can dissuade consumers from supporting a company.

Businesses not only need to decide what information to include in ads, but they also need to decide where and how to advertise. Typical promotional venues include print ads, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) marketing, radio ads, and TV commercials. For decades, TV ads were popular options because they could reach a large audience. As marketing options expand and consumer habits change, the pros and cons of TV commercials have changed. Let’s examine the ins and outs of TV commercials, including how they’re made, their advantages, and their disadvantages, to help you determine if investing in TV ads is suitable for you.

TV commercials require specialized equipment and services.


Making a TV commercial is a process with many steps. First, decide what you’re promoting and what message you want to send. Next, you need to write the commercial. This involves more than scripting words that actors will deliver during the commercial. It also involves determining what set pieces you need, what type of camera shots are required, and whether you need music.

Video production companies can walk you through every step of the process. Video production services include helping clients develop content ideas based on the target audience for your video. Video production agency experts can also help you decide what type of video to make. For example, you might make an explainer video discussing how a product works or why your company took specific actions. Alternatively, you might make a marketing video showing the benefits of the product.

You can entrust an experienced video production crew with the tasks of developing a script and storyboard for your video. Once everything’s ready, your videographer will work with the camera crew to shoot the type of content needed for your ad. This could involve a single camera operator or multiple camera operators securing shots from different angles. Your production company will provide professional lighting equipment and microphones, ensuring you have excellent visual and audio clips. Once the filming’s done, the film editor will edit the clips and add music, narration, and other effects to produce the commercial.

TV commercials have some disadvantages.


The Superbowl usually attracts millions of viewers each year. Running a Superbowl ad might sound like a simple solution, but those ads cost over $5 million for every 30-second commercial. Many companies don’t have the funds to pay for advertising during a popular live event like the Superbowl.

Once, most homes had cable TV, but the rise of streaming services has changed viewers’ habits. TV ratings are in decline, making it harder to reach potential clients on TV. After all the time and effort invested in the commercial production process, you may struggle to find suitable shows to run your commercials and generate sales.

There are other options for TV ads.

Marketing teams can take advantage of customized software to distribute TV ads on other venues. Your company’s content marketing platform can integrate an asset management hub to help you centralize your promotional assets. Use calendars to develop promotional schedules and marketing campaigns. You can also use content marketing platform software to plan your campaign and evaluate its performance.

Your platform software can help you capitalize on TV ads and turn them into web videos. These promotional videos can run on social media sites, including YouTube and TikTok, enabling you to reach more potential clients. With an effective SEO campaign to boost your video’s profile, you may be able to make your video go viral, ensuring you reach potential clients with your promotional materials.

Creating TV ads is a complex process involving many steps. Reputable video production companies can guide you through the development process, turning your creative ideas into compelling short videos. Since TV programs don’t have the same reach they once enjoyed, you may opt to use your TV ads on social media sites to ensure you reach your target audience.

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