How to Make a New Apartment Feel Like Home

a person reading a book to a dog

Moving is an enormous, stressful task. Although it can be fun to envision how your belongings will look in your new home, getting everything in order and settling in can take months. Even after you’ve spent a few nights in your new abode, you may not feel at home.

When you don’t feel at home, you may feel unsafe or stressed in your environment. But, conversely, feeling at home can be calming and provide you with a sense of security. Fortunately, you can turn a new apartment into your home using the simple tricks outlined here.

Take time to find a suitable apartment.

Feeling at home starts when you’re choosing a new apartment for rent. Take time to research different neighborhoods and narrow your search to neighborhoods where you’ll feel comfortable. Perhaps you want a walkable neighborhood in New York City where you can travel by foot to local restaurants, parks, and stores. Perhaps you want an apartment in a building in San Pedro or Los Angeles with lots of amenities, including a fitness center and dog park.

Prioritizing the essential features that you want and need is the first step towards feeling at home in your new apartment. You can also narrow your search to a one-bedroom apartment or a two-bedroom apartment based on your needs. With a rental property search app, you can narrow your parameters and generate an apartment list of properties that could make the perfect home.

Add a luxury item you’ve always wanted.


You can add visual appeal to your new apartment by purchasing a unique piece of decor you’ve always wanted, such as a mirror with lights. Investing in a luxury item’s a great way to make you look forward to spending time in your new apartment.

LED mirrors make great bathroom mirrors and makeup mirrors you can add to your vanity. The brightness of the bulbs makes it easy to apply makeup. Still, the LED bulbs are energy-efficient, making it possible to invest in a glamor mirror without exceeding your electricity budget. When you’re browsing mirrors, you can read reviews to ensure you get the best mirror for you.

Organize your space.


Moving’s an excellent opportunity to declutter and let go of items you no longer need. One reason people feel stressed when they move is that they don’t know where their belongings are, but taking the time to create an organized space in your new apartment’s a great way to ensure your emotional health in your new home. In addition, when your home’s organized, you won’t have to spend time searching for missing items, which can cause stress.

Invest in a design plan.


Although many people hire interior designers to oversee renovations, an interior designer can help you transform your space without changing its structure. Choosing appropriate furnishings with suitable materials and textures can help you create soothing, comfortable spaces you’ll enjoy.

Interior designers can also determine how to use colors and patterns to make spaces feel larger or smaller, which could significantly impact your appreciation of your new home. Whether your landlord lets you repaint the walls or you have to rely on art, furniture, and lighting to transform your space, an interior designer can help you create the look and feel you’re after in your new home.

Adopt a Pet


Moving is a great time to add a new pet to your family. Choosing a new furbaby will help you focus on new memories and experiences in your new apartment. You’ll also focus on creating the ideal space for your new pet. Whether you opt to adopt a cat or a dog or bring home a chinchilla, studies have shown there are physical and mental health benefits from having pets. Adding a new pet can be the perfect way to mitigate some of the stress of moving and help you appreciate your new home.

Moving can be stressful, but taking time to find a suitable apartment in a great neighborhood is the first step. Investing in luxury items, organizing your space, adding suitable decor, and adopting a pet will also improve your mood and help you feel right at home.

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