Common Health Problems for Call Center Agents

a pair of headphones on a keyboard

While an in-person or remote position as a call agent can be quite fulfilling, the career doesn’t come without drawbacks. Like any other career, call agent positions come with their own risk of health setbacks and issues. The great news is that by knowing what you’re at risk for, you can reduce the odds of experiencing some of the more common health problems other call agents find themselves afflicted with. For a closer look at a few of the common health problems call center agents face and how to prevent and treat them, read on.

High Blood Pressure


One of the biggest risks for people who work desk jobs like call center agents is elevated blood pressure. This is because call center agents are generally tied to their computers or desks and don’t get regular exercise during the workday. One way to combat this is to make a habit of getting up every fifteen minutes or between calls to stretch or walk around the office. While it might feel silly to add these small movements into your routine, the difference it could make in your blood pressure, weight, and overall health could be worth it.

If you already suffer from elevated blood pressure and have found yourself doing searches like “best cardiologists in Los Angeles for high blood pressure” or “how to treat blood pressure issues at home,” you likely already know that there are medications out there that can help. A good exercise routine, weight loss, and a healthy diet could all help in fixing your blood pressure issues so you can focus again on those calls. If you’re worried about your blood pressure due to a sedentary job or the stress of working in customer service, do yourself a favor and call your doctor for a check-up.

Depression and Anxiety


When you’re talking to people all day as a call center agent, the conversations are one-sided and can be stressful. Even if you work for a fantastic center with inbound call center solutions, it’s important to do what you can for your mental wellness. If you’re struggling with feelings of isolation, sadness, depression, or even social anxiety that can come from working for long periods with the public, it’s a good idea to reach out to a therapist for help. Not only are there medications you can take, but you might find that having conversations about how you’re feeling will help. A good therapist can give you the tools you’ll need to feel better about your job.

Blood Clots


In the same way your mental health matters, your physical health is important for being more productive. Blood clots are a risk for anyone who works a desk job. Even if you’re adding exercise to your regular routine between calls, it can be a good idea to consider opting for a standing desk or ball chair to increase your movement during work. Something as simple as a product aimed at helping you move can be a great way to prevent serious blood clots on the job.

If you’re like most call center workers, being the best version of you is important in order to stay focused on your calls. At the end of the day, being a call center agent comes with many of the same health risks as any other desk job. By being aware of what you’re at risk for and taking steps to treat things like early signs of high blood pressure or stress, you’ll put yourself in the position of better physical and mental wellness while maintaining a position you love. Best of luck to you as you navigate your career as a call center agent.

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